While not the same as the Braun Brothers gig in Challis, this is quite cool since it is closer to the Boise area.

If anyone is going and wants to share/donate/volunteer some pics/memories/videos, please send them statueleft@hotmail.com
"We do not take counsel of our fears, our naysayers, or the unknown" Coach Pete 1-1-07
While not the same as the Braun Brothers gig in Challis, this is quite cool since it is closer to the Boise area.
If anyone is going and wants to share/donate/volunteer some pics/memories/videos, please send them statueleft@hotmail.com
Posted by
6/29/2008 01:47:00 PM
Labels: mickey and the motorcars, reckless kelly
Posted by
6/29/2008 01:40:00 PM
when he was carousing around with the Fu Schnickens
Posted by
6/25/2008 08:27:00 AM
Labels: Fu schickens, shaq fu
Barry Melrose costing the Kings the Stanley Cup in 1993.......I know a lot of fans blame my hero, Marty McSorley and his allegedly illegally curved stick, but I continue to blame Mr. Mullet.
Here is a montage provided of clips on ESPN.....Vaya Con Dios down in Tampa Bay!
clip thanks to awfulannouncing.com
Posted by
6/25/2008 08:23:00 AM
Labels: Barry Melrose
click on any of the pics for a larger viewing
Arrived a lil bit late but caught the mounds rubble being heaved around. Appeared to be asphalt but what does this blogger know. Had to avoid Security Sam, but did not want to jeopardize this picture-taking fools life by running out towards the field just to gather some useless pics......
The logo of the turf got cut out by the crew running the removal, McAlvaine Group ( sic). They took the numbers as well. I asked one guy ( a Vandal alum actually) if they announced if anyone could grab the turf, but it was his first day on the job and he had no clue.
Another set of construction guys had about 3 rolls of turf each in the back of their pick up trucks and mentioned something about eBay. These same two guys mentioned that the rest of the turf was getting donated to the local dump, so for all of the those who want a piece or two, check the dump. Not sure if that is legal but ya never know. It seems to be that the turf could have been donated but maybe it was an issue of where are they going to store the turf and was it worth it to keep it around until they sold the remaining scraps. I am sure there is a select community that would be all over it but obviously the higher ups thought to get rid of the turf and be done with it. Who knows, maybe these two constructions guys have no idea what of they are talking about.
One piece might or might not have dropped on the concrete and landed near my feet, which in my mind frame is littering, so I properly picked up and stowed it safely in said vehicle. That picture of the 8 inch by 8 inch piece might or might not be displayed on this blog.
On to the pics:
loads and loads of some sort asphalt looking substance which was under the turf and the rubber tire pellets
Posted by
6/23/2008 04:15:00 PM
Labels: Boise State Football, Boise State Stadium construction, Boise State Stadium Expansion
Skip ahead to the 1:15 mark.............Since it is baseball season ( offseason for CFB), might as well throw a lil twist in the mix on the B to L to O to G......
Not sure if the umps know what to do but you would only see this in the bush leagues, since if it happens in MLB, then someone would get dotted between the eyes.
Posted by
6/21/2008 11:57:00 AM